Who Is In Your Boat?

Why are you so fearful? Mark 4:40 NKJV

Did our Lord get tired of serving? You bet he did, at least physically. But not spiritually.

The day Jesus got in the back of the boat and went to sleep reminds me of the Lord’s humanity. This event happened after a long day of serving others. He had dispensed the crowd (Mark 4:36). Jesus needed to recuperate physically. So, he and the 12 were going to the other side of the lake for some rest. Once they set sail, the Lord settled down for a rejuvenating nap that turned into a deep sleep. 

Suddenly, a storm swept down from the surrounding hills. The wind was so fierce that it stirred up huge waves that tossed the boat. So much so, the experienced disciples, some of whom were ex-fishermen, were terrified of sinking. So, they did the only thing they could do. They went to the Lord.

When the storms of life are raging about you, don’t forget the Lord. Trying to bail yourself out of any situation may not be the answer. Praying and waiting for the Lord is the better solution. It’s not always easy to do because his timetable may not match yours. Nevertheless, he always knows what and when is best.

It’s hard to see the hand of God working and doing what you asked. You may have even asked yourself, “What is he doing?”

Only trust and experience will settle your heart. In time, all things, yes, all things, will turn out for the best. All things work out for good, only if you wait and trust the Lord.

Your situation may be an opportunity for self-examination regarding your love for God, a love that loves in all circumstances. Pay attention to who is in your boat. It is the Lord, not the water, to which you give your attention. Disregard the waves. Go to the Lord. He is with you. Storms are still subject to his command regardless of the amount of water in your boat.

Author: Frank

The Christian life is an adventure. It’s also a journey. Frank’s pilgrimage has been a lifelong endeavor in helping others in their spiritual walk. His foundation of biblical communication (teaching, preaching and writing) has taken his passion to another step, blogging. It is intended that these blogs will enrich your life and it is hoped that you will pass them on to encourage others.

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