What You Choose

How long will you waver between two opinions? I Kings 18:21 CSB

Life is all about choices. 

When you get up and when you stay in bed. What to wear versus what not to wear or what to eat or not to eat starts your day. To be on time for your destination or be late. It’s still a choice.

Everything you do or don’t do revolves around a decision. Your decisions reflect your values, what’s important to you, or what you value less. Indecision is even a choice. You may want to delay your decision, but it’s still a choice.

Jesus also gives you a choice. Believe him or refuse to believe, that’s an eternal decision. That has far-reaching consequences both here on earth and where you will spend eternity. If you decide to accept Jesus as your Savior, you have made the most critical decision of your life. Heaven will be your home.

But there is more to decide–will you serve him here or will you serve yourself? It’s another fork in your journey of life. The pleasures of the world are enticing. The satisfaction of asking Jesus for guidance is also satisfying. One decision can give immediate satisfaction and pleasure. The other decision can bring inner joy both now and forever; it’s still your choice. 

Every day you are allowed to breathe one breath after another. That’s a choice by God to let you live. Our Lord gives you opportunities every day to do something for him. It may be small or large in the world’s eyes, but significant however, in the heart of God. Why? Because you chose God, not self. You decided for righteousness, not complacency—obedience —over ignoring the subtle leadership of the Lord.

Life is all about choices. One big choice is deciding to wait for God or hastily charge into the day. Speed is not always best. Moses chose to stand before the Red Sea. He waited for God to say it was ready to walk through. Getting ahead of God can be dangerous. It’s all about what you choose.

Joshua’s words are still valid today. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15 NKJV).

Author: Frank

The Christian life is an adventure. It’s also a journey. Frank’s pilgrimage has been a lifelong endeavor in helping others in their spiritual walk. His foundation of biblical communication (teaching, preaching and writing) has taken his passion to another step, blogging. It is intended that these blogs will enrich your life and it is hoped that you will pass them on to encourage others.

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