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Let Your Imagination Go

The Christmas season has come and gone. The time of bearing gifts has passed but, our God-given skills and talents know no season. Many times, we take our abilities for granted. Everything we have is a gift.

Today we look at some overlooked gifts. The first on the list is intelligence. I am not the smartest person around. God’s intervention allowed me to recognize my need for a Savior, Jesus. God gave me the smarts to ask Jesus into my heart. What a remarkable change He brought to me. The acceptance of Jesus as my Savior is the best thing I ever did. 

God gave me a personality. I am not the life of the party; I’m an introvert by nature. My best conversations are with God. No one else around. Most of the time, when I’m around others, I’m the quiet one. When I speak up and engage in conversations, my thoughts often reflect my devotional times. Those thoughts reveal some of my imagination, not the ones of fantasy, but things of concern and value to me.

I imagine what it would be like to see Jesus for the first time. Or how I would get along with some in heaven—the ones I do not understand here. Yet in heaven, we will both be there as believers, and our understanding will have expanded. There are numerous other differences to explore, but we will not go there.

There are times I ask for forgiveness for not utilizing those precious gifts He has provided. This is where I used the gift of repentance—asking for forgiveness for neglecting His provisions. By doing this, I can go on to accomplish what He wants me to do.

God is ever faithful even when we are not. Aren’t you glad the Lord looks beyond our failures? He uses us sometimes despite who we are.  Do you thank God for what you have? Do you have a dream to do things for God? Would you trust Him to do the unimaginable for Him? Turn your imagination loose; stop holding it back. Let God use you.

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